Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • Worldfest 2014 Circle of Many Cultures

    Worldfest 2014 “Circle of Many Cultures”

    Each year the University of Connecticut (Storrs campus) celebrates Worldfest, a multicultural event that brings together student cultural organizations and the community in a diverse display of exhibits, dance performances, and ethnic foods.  This 44th annual Worldfest 2014 “Circle of Many Cultures” will be held on Sunday March 9, 2014, at the Rome Ballroom. UConn International Student & Scholar Services is sponsoring this event. Festivities will begin at 1:00pm and continue until 4:00pm.


    Highlights of the festival include performances by: the UConn Taiko Club, Albanian Student Association, UCinvASIAN, Capoeira, UConn Irish, Polish Cultural Society, Tarang, Husky Hungama, Nubian Foxes and Chinese Student & Scholar Association. In addition, international cuisines and beverages from around the world will be available to tempt and satisfy your taste. Aromas from Polish, Latin American, Mediterranean, Caribbean, Asian, Middle East delicacies will permeate the air, thus creating a truly international atmosphere. UConn international student organizations will sing, dance, perform, exhibit their cultural artifacts and will sell cultural items. There will be at least 18 cultural group/ exhibit tables participating this year.


    We hope you can join us to embrace our rich cultural diversity and to show your support to our international community.

    Please contact Laurie Tompkins by email ( if you have any questions.

    This is an educational experience for all ages. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free. There will be a small fee for food and beverages.





    For more information, contact: Laurie Tompkins at