Training and Professional Development

  • 3/10 Study Abroad Info for Academic Advisors

    Attention Academic Advisors!

    Do you have students ask you about studying abroad and you aren't sure what to tell them? Would you like to learn more about this topic in order to better advise your students or feel more comfortable discussing this with your advisees? Come to one of our information sessions geared towards academic advisors at UConn!

    Some topics we will cover include:

    • What kinds of study abroad programs are available at UConn?
    • What students should consider when choosing a program.
    • Cost of studying abroad.
    • What is the role of the academic advisor in this process?
    • How do grades, credits, and classes work with study abroad?
    • Common misconceptions about study abroad.
    • Why should students study abroad?

    Come to the next information session for faculty and staff academic advisors!  Monday March 10th from 12noon - 1pm in ROWE/CUE 130 - Feel free to bring your lunch!

    We will hold an additional session in April that will be streamed to regional campuses, so keep an eye out for that announcement in early April!

    If you have specific topics you would like to see addressed, please feel free to send suggestions to Abi Hastillo ( Likewise, if you would like to schedule a presentation for a specific group of people at a different date and time, we are happy to schedule that with individual programs/departments.

    For more information, contact: Abi Hastillo at 860-486-6788