Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 4/29 Team Science Initiative Event

    In pursuit of UConn’s vision to vastly expand trans-disciplinary team science research initiatives and associated external funding, I invite you to attend an event on team science at the Storrs Campus sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research:

    April 29, 2014, from 8:00AM – 10:45AM

    Breaking Down Silos and Constructing Highly Effective,Competitive Trans-Disciplinary Research Teams 

    This event offers a tremendous opportunity to gain valuable expertise and guidance from three exceptional team science experts at NIH who have spoken on this topic at research-intensive universities across the U.S., Drs. L. Michelle Bennett (NHLBI), Howard Gadlin (NIH), and Linda Nebeling (NCI).  

    This event is an informational presentation open to faculty, researchers, and administrators from across UConn.  Drs. Bennett, Gadlin, and Nebeling will share best practices within team science, offer suggestions for building and maintaining effective teams and avoiding pitfalls, discuss team science funding mechanisms, and answer questions from the audience.  Topics addressed will also include how to evaluate individual members' contributions to team accomplishments in faculty evaluation processes (e.g., annual evaluations, PTR).  Attendees are encouraged to peruse the NIH’s Team Science website prior to the presentation at

    Location:        Konover Auditorium, Dodd Research Center, Storrs Campus.  

                        Webcast available.

    8:00-8:30       Continental Breakfast

    8:30-8:45       Introductory Remarks

    8:45-10:30      Presentation by Drs. Bennett, Gadlin, and Nebeling

    10:30-10:45     Q&A

    Please save the date.  Additional information and a registration link will be available in the coming weeks.

    As always, I welcome your feedback and ideas on how faculty and administration can work together to promote team science and the research enterprise overall at UConn.

    Best regards, 

    Jeff Seemann

    Vice President for Research 

    For more information, contact: Jennifer Wang at 486-2313