Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Asthma Research Study: Human Subjects Requested

    University of Connecticut


    Adult Volunteers Wanted for a Research Study


    Mindfulness as a Treatment for Anxiety: Implications for Improving Asthma Symptoms


    Many adults with asthma also suffer from symptoms of anxiety, which can actually make asthma symptoms more severe. In turn, more severe asthma symptoms can increase feelings of anxiety. Studies have shown that mindfulness-based techniques can reduce anxiety in adults. The purpose of this study is to determine if mindfulness-based techniques designed to reduce anxiety will also reduce symptoms of asthma.


    Participants of this study will meet three evenings a week in small groups over a period of about three months to take part in a mindfulness-training research study. The training will involve two basic mindfulness practices: body scans and meditation, along with group-based discussions.


    Participants in this study must be at least 18 years old, and will be asked to provide government-issued photo identification to verify their age. They must also provide recent documentation from a physician of an asthma diagnosis, and meet criteria on an anxiety questionnaire.


    All study activities will be conducted on the University of Connecticut Storrs campus in the Gentry building. Please contact the study team for more information at:

    protocol # is H13-141

    For more information, contact: Cheryl Maykel at