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  • 2/28 Author Talk with Abby Stokes

    iPads for OLLIs!  This author talk is the kick-off event to the Osher Lifelong Learning's Library Workshop series.  Abby Stokes is the author of "Is This Thing On?  A Computer Handbook for Late Bloomers, Technophobes and the Kicking and Screaming!"

    Abby Stokes travelled to more than 20 states to help Digital Immigrants conquer their fear of technology. She’s visited more than 120 public libraries, over 100 senior centers/computer clubs and hosted webinars across the country to personally take the ‘digitally challenged’ by the hand and help them across the Digital Divide. She has taught courses in basic computing at Cooper Union and NYU’s School of Lifelong Learning, as well as computer skills to private and corporate clients. A firm believer that "if my mother can learn the computer anyone can," Abby is confident that everyone can master the computer and navigate the Internet.  Books will be sold and autographed by the author!

    This workshop was made possibly in part by a $4,670 Library Services & Technology Act (LSTA) grant awarded by the Connecticut State Library and approved by the CT State Library Board. Friday, February 28, 2014, 1:30 PM in the UConn Waterbury multipurpose room, 99 East Main Street, Waterbury.

    The event is free and open to the public and light refreshments will be served.

    Call 203-236-9924 to register.


    For more information, contact: Rita Quinn, OLLI @UConn at 203-236-9924