Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 3/10 Outstanding Scholars Program (Round Two) Deadline

    As a friendly reminder, the deadline to nominate a student for round two of the Outstanding Scholars Program (OSP) award is March 10, 2014

    The OSP scholars program is open to all departments/programs within UConn and is awarded to a limited number of outstanding doctoral students who represent the very best of the year’s entering graduate student class.  The academic quality of the candidate and the nominating program serve as the primary criteria.

    To nominate a student, graduate faculty and/or their designee must upload a personal statement and letter of recommendation(s) and mark the student with the OSP group in the Hobsons’ ApplyYourself system by the March 10, 2014 deadline.  If more than one student is nominated by a department/program, we ask the Director of Graduate Studies for that program to rank the nominees.  This ranking should be listed on a separate sheet of paper and uploaded into the Hobsons’ ApplyYourself system by the deadline.   In addition, graduate faculty and/or their designee must fill out the OSP cover sheet and e-mail the completed form to indicating that this nomination is for OSP round two.  

    For those of you who have been directly involved in this process, The Graduate School wants to thank you for your interest, investment, and support in nominating candidates.

    If you have a specific question or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact a member of The Graduate School’s staff at (860) 486-3617 or via e-mail at

    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at 486-3617