Student Activities

  • Nominate for Student Life Awards

    Who are the outstanding students, organizations and staff that you know?

     UConn faculty, staff, and students are invited to nominate students, graduate assistants, advisors, student organizations, and other programs for one or more of the 2014 Student Life Awards at the University of Connecticut.

    The Student Life Awards are designed to recognize students for outstanding contributions to and leadership of the University community and beyond.  Students may be nominated for a variety of awards recognizing scholarship, community service, outstanding programming, leadership, school pride, and more.  There are also awards recognizing outstanding advisement and support of students and student organizations by faculty and staff members.

    The on-line nomination process is simple!

    To submit a nomination visit the Student Life Awards Website, provide the necessary information about you and your nominee, and then click submit! The nominee will be automatically notified of their nomination. The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 28th.

    Award recipients will be recognized during “Leadership Recognition Week” from April 14th – April 18th.  The Student Life Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, April 17th, 2014 in the Student Union Ballroom at 4:00pm. 

    To learn more about the 2014 Student Life Awards and to submit a nomination visit the Student Life Awards Website or email   

    For more information, contact: Leadership Office/Student Activities at 860-486-6588/