Training and Professional Development

  • 4/13 Graduate School Professional Development Event

    The Graduate School Professional Development Event:

    Meet the Experts: Key Library Resources for Success in Graduate School

    Wednesday, February 13th

    5-7 pm

    HBL Lecture Center Level 2


    Did you know that as part of library research services, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars have access to area specific subject specialists? This is your opportunity to learn more about services like these and others which are offered by the Library to aid in the success of your studies. Join us to learn how the library can help you with the literature review process, writing your thesis, finding sources, citation management and much more.


    Please register at:


    Open to all graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.


    Light refreshments to be provided.


    Contact Information

    The Graduate School



    For more information please visit


    *Special accommodations: The Graduate School is committed to achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for persons within the graduate community at all of our events. If you require any special accommodations and/or services, including American Sign Language interpretation, please contact The Graduate School.

    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at 860-486-3617