Training and Professional Development

  • Professional Development Courses for NP-2 Members

    The Connecticut Employees Union Independent is sponsoring a comprehensive set of courses for their members for Spring 2014, with the goal of keeping employees current in their respective fields and fostering upward mobility. These programs are offered through the State In-Service Training Program and administered for UConn by Human Resources.

    Please note: CEUI/Technical Courses are offered to NP-2 Bargaining Unit Members only.

    The Spring Catalog is now available at  Catalogs are also available through your Department or at the Human Resources Reception Desk.

    Employees must complete paper applications and submit them to their Departments for approval by March 3, 2014. Application forms can be found in the catalog.  Departments will then submit online seat requests to Human Resources by March 10, 2014.

    **Employees reporting to Facilities Operations on the Storrs campus - Please contact Holly Rau to obtain the appropriate forms and approvals.

    Applicants, and their Departments, will be notified of registration status via e-mail after March 17.


    For more information, contact: HR-OSD at 860-486-2670 or