Training and Professional Development

  • 2/5 Tools Demo on HR/Payroll Enterprise Solution


    You are invited to a live vendor TOOLS DEMO on HR / Payroll Enterprise Solutions.  An evaluation of Vendors’ Proposals received in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) published via and via State of Connecticut’s D.A.S. web-site, has been performed by UConn’s Evaluation Committee which resulted in the selection of finalists.   The TOOLS DEMO event will provide an opportunity to review and compare different potential enterprise solutions and their respective functional capabilities. The different Tools Demo and its functionality approach by each vendor are scheduled to occur on February 5th through February 7th, comprising of one vendor per day.  The scheduled time will be 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm for these demos. It is recommended that all appropriate departmental personnel attend the sessions.

    In the event that the space is limited and in an effort to give everyone an equal opportunity to participate, we ask you to RSVP no later than close of business on January 30th , 2014 to Joyce Meehan via email at . Confirmations inclusive of the agenda and location will be issued to the first forty (40) people that RSVP.  

    A confirmation on your reserved spot and a reminder will be forthcoming by January 31st, 2014.

    For any questions, please feel free to send an email to

    For more information, contact: Joyce Meehan at