Research, Funding, and Awards

  • "Recruit UConn" Program Announcement

    The Dean of The Graduate School and the Vice Provost for Diversity Announce the “Recruit UConn” Program.

     The Graduate School and the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity have established a new program targeted at recruiting very competitive and diverse graduate students and faculty to the University of Connecticut. Each semester, one UConn faculty member will be given the opportunity to deliver a scholarly talk in his/her area of expertise at a targeted university. The visit will also include a brief recruitment component to highlight designated graduate and faculty-hiring at UConn to undergraduate, and graduate students.

    This spring the program will cover travel and accommodation for a faculty member to Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. The selected faculty member will also receive a $500 research stipend upon completion of the trip. Faculty from all fields are invited to apply.  Applicants must be full-time, tenured/tenure-track UConn faculty.

    If interested, please provide an updated CV, a paragraph-long abstract of your prospective presentation and address two questions in one-two paragraphs each:

    1)      What outreach, recruitment, or diversity-related activities that you have been undertaken since your employment at UConn?

    2)      Why would you be a good ambassador for this program at this partner university?


    Please send your application to by February 10, 2014.


    For more information, contact: Courtney at