Special Events and Receptions

  • 2/4 Big Data Workshop to be Telecast to UConn


    XSEDE and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center are offering a one day Big Data workshop, to be held February 4, 2014 11AM-5PM.  This workshop will focus on topics such as Hadoop and SPARQL.  This workshop will be telecast to the University of Connecticut, in room ITEB 336.  Registration is open to anyone who is interested, from UConn or beyond.  Participants should bring a laptop so that they can follow along with the instruction.  Parking is available in the South Parking Garage (Stadium Road, Storrs, CT – across from Gampel Pavilion).   Light refreshments will be served.



    To register, follow this link: https://portal.xsede.org/course-calendar/-/training-user/class/161/session/329



    11:00AM – 1:00PM

    --Intro to Hadoop--

    - System overview


    -Interacting with HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)

    -Writing Java Hadoop programs

    -Wordcount example

    -Compiling and packaging


    -Mappers and Reducers


    -API Overview

    -Hadoop streaming – Hadoop programs in arbitrary languages -Bash example -Python example


    2:00PM – 5:00PM

    * Learn the Graph Analytic approach to Data analysis, including some real-world examples.

    * Gain an introduction to the RDF data format and the SPARQL query lanquage, with hands-on practice.

    * Learn how to interact with the Sherlock Urika system."

    For more information, contact: Karen Slater at karen@engr.uconn.edu