Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • Humanities Institute Faculty Luncheon/Lectures


    Spring 2014


    February 11, 2014

    Shareen Hertel, Political Science

    “Making Hunger Matter: The Potential and Limits of India's ‘Right to Food Campaign’"


    March 11, 2014

    Anke Finger, Literatures, Cultures and Languages

    “The Avant-Gardes’ Everyday Sensorium”


    April 22, 2014

    Claudio Benzecry, Sociology

    “Follow the Shoe. The everyday work of (re) producing globalization”


    The lectures will take place at the Humanities Institute, Philip Austin Building (formerly CLAS) Room 301at 12:30-1:45 pm.  Lunch is provided. As seating is limited, priority will be given to faculty members.  All others making reservations will be placed on a waiting list and contacted should seats become available.

    Please contact UCHI to reserve a seat at or 860.486.9057.


    For more information, contact: Jo-Ann Waide at 860 486-9057