Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Providing Access @ UConn


    Center for Students with Disabilities

    According to national statistics, 11% of higher education students have a disability (GAO, 2009).  This means, at UConn, 3,352 students have a disability (based on Fall 2013 enrollment).  New, emerging populations of students with complex needs, who often require multiple accommodations and services across the University, will continue to increase over the next several years.  These include students with severe psychiatric disabilities, students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (including diagnoses of Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome), students with multifaceted chronic health conditions, and military veterans.

    Contact the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) to schedule a presentation for the Spring 2014 semester on:

    • Accessibility
    • Accommodations Procedures
    • CSD Programs and Services
    • Disabilities at UConn
    • Legal Rights and Responsibilities
    • Working with Students with Disabilities
    • Universal Design for Instruction

    CSD will present at:

    • Department Meetings
    • Faculty Meetings
    • FYE  or Intro Courses
    • Student Groups’ Meetings
    • Other UConn Events

     Contact the Center at (860) 486-2020 or to schedule a presentation.

    Source:  United States Government Accountability Office. (2009).  Higher Education and Disability:  Education Needs a Coordinated Approach to Improve Its Assistance to Schools in Supporting Students.  GAO-10-33.


    For more information, contact: Kim McKeown at