Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 1/16 Open Meeting of the Atmospheric Sciences Group

    Center for Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE) Conference Room

                                                    Thursday January 16th

                                                     11:00 am to 2:00 pm. 

    The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for faculty and their research groups to highlight their ongoing research and educational activities in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences (ACS), and stimulate ideas for collaborative research between faculty and their research groups across departments and colleges.  The ASG feels that it is a particularly opportune time for an open meeting due to the number of new faculty members engaged in ACS research at UConn.  The exchange of information will be accomplished through a series of 2-minute, 1-slide presentations followed by a poster session and an ASG-led discussion on ways to facilitate collaborative ACS research. 


    Meeting Schedule: 

    10:00 am to 10:50 am                      Poster setup                                        

    11:00 am to 11:10 am                      ASG Introduction

    11:10 am to 12:10 pm                     2-minute Presentation from faculty and post-docs

    12:10 pm to 1:10 pm                       Lunch and Poster Sessions (two 30 minute rotations for ½ of posters)

    1:10 pm to 1:50 pm                          Open Discussion:

    “Ideas & Actions to Facilitate Collaborative ACS Research & Education at UConn”

    1:50 pm to 2:00 pm                          Final Remarks


    Meeting Specifics

    The 2-minute, 1-slide presentations will be limited to faculty and their post-docs.   However, students are encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunities to introduce themselves.  We ask you to keep the purpose of the meeting in mind while putting together these presentation, but will leave the slide format up to the presenter.


    The 2-minute time limit will be strictly enforced and we ask you to email your presentation to by COB on January 14th.   This will allow us to organize the talks and ready them for presentation prior to the meeting.

    Lunch will be served so please RSVP to by January 14th so we can get an more accurate head count.  Include yourself and any students that plan to attend and indicate whether you will be presenting a poster.  We will try to accommodate all formats, but it would be best to limit their size to 3’ x 4’ so they can rest on the provided easels. 

    Posters are welcome from all participants and research groups.  We will begin posters setup at 10 am on the day of the meeting.  The poster session will be spilt into two 30-minute rotations showing half the posters.  This will give everyone an opportunity to view the posters and grab lunch. 


    For more information, contact: James Edson at