Facilities and Transportation

  • E-Waste Recycling Bins - Convenient

    As part of the University's ongoing environmental stewardship efforts, Logistics Administration, including the Surplus Department and the Document Production Center, has partnered with the Office of Environmental Policy to improve the University’s electronic waste (e-waste) program.  

    E-waste consists of damaged or discarded electronic devices and associated materials. E-waste items should not be discarded in regular trash due to their high concentrations of toxic chemicals and heavy metals.

    New e-waste recycling bins designed by the Document Production Center are conveniently located at highly visible and well traversed areas, including the Student Union, the Co-op, and the Homer Babbidge Library.

    The cardboard recycling bins have been replaced with state-of-the-art plastic recycling bins.  Each location has one bin for inkjet cartridges, a second bin for batteries/laptop batteries, and a third bin for cell phones.

    The entire University community—students, staff, and faculty—are encouraged to use the new e-waste recycling bins.

    Please visit http://ecohusky.uconn.edu/recycling/ewaste.html for more information about e-waste recycling and the new recycling bins.

    For more information, contact: Surplus at 860-486-3094.