Training and Professional Development

  • Check Out the Spring 2014 State In-Service Catalog

    Spring 2014 State In-Service Course Registration is OPEN

    The Department of Administrative Services and Connecticut's Community College System are partners in providing a wide variety of cost-effective training opportunities to Connecticut State employees through the State In-service Training Program.  New course offerings this semester include: Communicating Across Cultures; Dealing With Difficult People in the Workplace; Fear-Free and Fabulous Presentations; Fundamentals of Technical Writing; Intro to Business Analytics; Knowledge Management and Succession Planning; Mastering Personal Development for Maximum Professional Efficiency; Planning Makes Perfect; Developing Leadership Skills for All Situations; Motivating, Mentoring, and Maximizing Employees and The Innovative and Successful Supervisor.  New technology courses include: Access 2013 Intermediate and Introduction; Developing a Social Networking Strategy; Excel 2013 Intermediate and Introduction; Security+ Certification Preparation; SharePoint Information Worker; and Word 2013: In-Depth.  A new trade skills course is being offered, Security Officer Training: Guard Card Certification. 

    To view the catalog and apply, visit . 

    Applications must be submitted to Human Resources on AccessNow by Tuesday, February 11, 2013.


    For more information, contact: Human Resources at or 860-486-2670