Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 7/22 Lets Get Crankin Workshop with Felicia Cooper

    While the Ballard Institute is closed, the museum will offer short, puppet-building and craft workshops via Facebook Live ( every Wednesday and Friday at 2 p.m. ET! All past workshops are available on our Facebook and YouTube.

    Join UConn Puppet Arts graduate student Felicia Cooper on July 22 for Let’s Get Crankin! A crankie uses a pulley system to create a scrolling image or moving panorama. Create an analogue movie to show your pals! Recommended for ages 7+.

    Materials needed: paper (long scroll preferred, but pieces of paper taped together is okay too!), box, utility knife or scissors, tape, crayons/pencils/markers, dowels or sticks

    This workshop is made possible with support from the Department of Economic and Community Development, Connecticut Office of the Arts.

    For more information, contact: Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at