Special Events and Receptions

  • Upcoming Empower Hours, sponsored by WAG

    The Women's Affinity Group (WAG) will be sponsoring the following events:

    Empower Hour: Pet Therapy Party

    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    4:00 – 5:00 pm

    WebEx Meeting Link: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m65a6c4e50faa37dd235fb4c0350020d8

    Meeting number: 1-415-655-0002 | 120 718 8848

    Password: PetTherapy


    Has being stuck inside during the dog days of summer got you down?

    Get the warm and fuzzies by gathering with some furry friends for a pet therapy session featuring - our own pets.

    Join us to share a summer “mocktail” and share your pets and their stories.

    • Introduce your pet's special name and any special talents, and let them take the spotlight for a moment to cheer others
    • Share funny or heartwarming pet stories
    • How does your pet cheer you up when you are down
    • Working from home with your pet – ie , How do you avoid your dog barking during calls, etc.
    • Don’t currently have a pet?  Memorialize your past pet by sharing a picture
    • Or join us just for fun

    (We'll perhaps even have a fun visit from a special campus canine!)



    Empower Hour: Celebrating Unsung Heroines at UConn and Beyond

    Friday, August 7, 2020

    12:00 – 1:00 pm

    WebEx Link: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m2119fc84c947e35de4bf3f000d9de996

    Meeting number: 1-415-655-0002 | 120 339 9115

    Password: EmpowerHour


    With the fall semester just around the corner, we are excited to bring everyone together for one last summer Empower Hour! And what better topic to feature other than the amazing work that women have done throughout history to give us some motivation for approaching our own work this fall.

    During this Empower Hour, we invite everyone to:

    • Participate in some group herstory trivia
    • Chat about the unsung heroines of UConn
    • Discuss ways that the unsung heroine persona appears in our own work
    • Share our excitement (and fears) about starting the fall semester


    For more information, contact: Lisa Famularo at lisa.famularo@uconn.edu