University Policy Information

  • University Senate By-Law Amendments

    Dear Colleagues: 

    The proposal to amend the University By-Law II.A.5 Non-Degree Students passed by a vote of  67 YAY, 4 NAY, 1 ABSTENTION. The approved non-degree credit motion raises the cap from 8 to 12 credits for Academic Year 2020-2021. 

    The proposal to amend the University By-Law II.H University Calendar passed by a vote of  55 YAY, 15 NAY, 2 ABSTENTIONS.  The calendar motion for Fall 2020 substitutes four reading days for four class days at the end of the semester. 

    The texts of both motions are available on the Senate website.

    Thank you to our elected members of the University Senators for their fast and thoughtful response to these out-of-season requests.  

    With best wishes for a happy, healthy, restful, and fruitful summer,


    Veronica Makowsky, Chair

    Senate Executive Committee

    For more information, contact: Cheryl Galli at 860-486-2236