Important University-Wide Announcements

  • Interim Chief Audit and Compliance Officer

    Dear Colleagues,

    As you may know, Michael Walker is retiring as Chief Audit and Compliance Officer at the University of Connecticut as of Dec. 31. I am pleased to announce that the Director of Audit Services at UConn, Cheryl Chiaputti, has agreed to serve in this position on an interim basis. During this interim period, a national search will be conducted to fill the position.

    As Interim Chief Audit & Compliance Officer, Cheryl will lead and oversee the audit and compliance functions for the entire university, including the Health Center.  

    Cheryl started her career at UConn in 1997 as an internal auditor.  She became the Director of Audit Services in September of 2007, providing leadership and administrative management to audit staff at all university campuses including the Health Center.  In addition, she oversees the design, planning and implementation of all internal audits.

    Prior to joining the university, Cheryl worked as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). 

    She is a licensed CPA in Connecticut and a current member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA), the Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors (AHIA), the New England Healthcare Internal Auditors (NEHIA), the Healthcare Compliance Association (HCCA), the Connecticut Society of Governmental Accountants (CSGA) and the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). 

    Please join me in thanking Cheryl for her continued commitment to UConn.

    Susan Herbst

    For more information, contact: Office of the President at