Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 6/22 Enrolling Female Participants in Research Study

    Attention: Female Participants Wanted for a Research Study

    We are currently in the process of recruiting female participants for a study entitled “Validation of internal body temperature and physiological measures during exercise and rest”. This study aims to collect physiological data during exercise in a hot environment with different clothing ensembles and workout intensities. To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

    • Be age 18 to 25
    • Be recreationally active for at least 30 minutes of exercise 4-5 days per week
    • Be free of chronic health problems
    • Be free from a current musculoskeletal injury that limits their physical activity
    • No medical history of exertional heat illness in the past 3 years
    • Not taking hormonal birth control 

    Testing consists of 5 familiarization and baseline sessions and 4 nine-hour exercise trials with treadmill running/walking in a hot environment. Participants will receive up to $1000 monetary compensation for participation. Contact if interested in participating or for more information. The principal investigator is Douglas Casa, Ph.D. This study has been approved by the University of Connecticut, Institutional Review Board for Human Studies, Storrs CT. Protocol#: H17-129. 

    For more information, contact: Maggie Morrissey at