Additional UConn Information

  • English Proficiency Policy Changes for TAs

    Changes in the UConn English Proficiency Policy for Teaching Assistants and Language Testing Procedures

    The following changes in the UConn English Proficiency Policy and testing procedures for teaching assistants apply to non-native English speaking students being considered for positions from the fall of 2014 on. The changes coincide with the reorganization of the International Teaching Assistant Program (ITAP) within the Office of Global Affairs.  ITA services are now under the direction of the University of Connecticut American English Language Institute (UCAELI)

    A minimum TOEFL IBT speaking subscore of 23 or an equivalent IELTS speaking band score of 7.0 is the new requirement for ITA candidacy. Passing scores remain as they were previously, i.e., TOEFL IBT speaking 28 or IELTS speaking score of 8. (ITAs in the language departments of Literatures, Cultures and Languages must have a minimum TOEFL IBT speaking subscore of 20 or a minimum IELTS speaking band score of 6.5). Departments should be proactive in communicating with all prospective ITAs that they will need to submit either the IBT TOEFL or IELTS test scores.

    The Versant phone test will no longer be used after the spring 2014 semester.  All ITA candidates with below passing admissions test scores (IBT speaking score minimum of 23 but less than 28 or IELTS speaking band score of 7 or 7.5) will be required to take and pass a microteaching test to be certified to teach.  The test will be offered during the ITA orientation prior to the start of the fall and spring semester and as a final assessment in ITA courses. For students who do not meet ITA candidacy requirements based on admissions test scores, UCAELI courses will be offered as an option that can lead to reassessment after additional language study.

    Please see both the current and revised versions of the UConn English Proficiency Policy for Teaching Assistants here.  Visit the International Teaching Assistant Services website for additional information about testing and courses.


    For more information, contact: Kristi Newgarden, UCAELI director at