Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Biomedical Entrepreneurship-Apply Today

    Biomedical Entrepreneurship 

    Are you interested in life science entrepreneurship? As a part of the Entrepreneurship Life Sciences Initiative, CT Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is offering a 3-credit Biomedical Entrepreneurship course in Fall 2020. This is a multi-disciplinary course across the School of Business, Engineering, Medicine, Dental Medicine and College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. 

    This is open to all students at the graduate or undergraduate level. Students will gain experience addressing real life clinical issues by offering technical solutions and creating business models that will further develop entrepreneurial skill sets. Taught by industry experts, students will learn the fundamentals around creating a new business or venture within the realms of life sciences. An online application must be submitted before registering for the course.

    Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the start of the fall semester. Apply today!

    For more information, contact: Chereace Marcellin at