Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 6/5 international students support groups

    Do you feel stressed about the COVID-19 situation? Do you feel lonely when you maintain social distancing? Join our international students support group! The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected many people’s life, especially international students. The Student Health and Wellness-Mental Health office is here to support! We are offering a support group for all UConn international students who reside in U.S. during this period of global pandemic, where you can express your concerns, connect with others, and support your peers!


    The support group will be conducted through WebEx on Friday, 6/5, at 1 pm for one hour. Please sign up through the relevant WebEx registration links below if you are interested. Please spread the word and join us!


    If you have any questions, please contact SHaW-MH at 860-486-4705 or email Dr. Song at


    Sign up: International Students Support Group in English:


    觉得压力山大吗?觉得孤单吗?加入我们的中国留学生互助小组吧!COVID-19 极大的影响了人们的生活,尤其是中国留学生。为了更好的支援中国留学生,学生心理咨询中心将为无法回国的中国留学生提供一个在线互助小组。中国留学生可以在小组里用中文表达各种顾虑,互相支持,互相帮助。

    互助小组时间为6月5日周五下午2 点到3 点。如有兴趣,请用以下的WebEx链接注册!如果你的朋友或同学有需要,请广而告之!如有问题,请致电学生心理咨询中心860-486-4705 或邮件联系宋老师


    Sign up: Chinese International Students Support Group in Chinese:




    For more information, contact: Dr.Song/SHaW-MH at