Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 5/20 MCB Related Proposal: Todd Testerman

    Graduate Program in Microbiology

    Department of Molecular and Cell Biology

    University of Connecticut


    Related Proposal for the Doctoral Degree


     Todd Testerman

    B.S. The Ohio State University, 2015


    Method Establishment and Applicable Prevention Techniques for the Detection and Reduction of Bacterial Pathogens in Aquaculture Biofilms


    Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

    2:00 pm





    Major Advisor: Dr. Joerg Graf

    Associate Advisor: Dr. Daniel Bolnick

    Associate Advisor: Dr. Sarah Hird

    Associate Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Klassen

    Associate Advisor: Dr. Spencer Nyholm





    For more information, contact: Todd Testerman at