Training and Professional Development

  • 5/28 Crafting a Diversity Statement

    Crafting a diversity statement
    Thursday, May 28, 9:00-10:15
    Presenter: Tina Huey, CETL 

    What are Teaching Talks?

    Join us for an hour of your day to connect with your colleagues. These sessions serve as a springboard for discussions around a topic related to teaching and learning but really give you the chance to share the success and challenges you are facing in our new teaching reality. Each session has a topical theme but are shaped by the participants’ discussion, needs, and interests. 

    The thematic focus for this particular session is crafting a diversity statement.

    Proposed Objectives

    • Discuss the diversity statement as a part of, or independent from, a broader teaching philosophy statement
    • Begin drafting in response to prompts provided for reflection on diversity commitments
    • Share what is on your mind


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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at