Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Seed Grant Opportunities- Digital Health Research

    The UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media (CHASM) is hosting a virtual conferece, “Building an Evidence Base for Commercially Available Technology,” which will focus on research that evaluates the reliability, accuracy, efficacy, or real world effectiveness of commercially available technology including mobile apps, sensors, devices, or social media platforms.

    We designed the program to catalyze research on commercial health technologies and to lay out a roadmap for best practices, including how to navigate the myriad methodological, logistical, and ethical challenges of research using commercial health technologies. We will feature nationally renowned keynote speakers from academia and industry who have expertise in using commercially available health technologies in research. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in virtual breakout sessions to give them closer access to speakers for advice on anything from developing relationships with industry to innovative research designs. Attendees will also be strongly encouraged to come ready to develop a research question during the conference and submit seed grant proposals to two seed grant opportunities that will open shortly after the conference. The seed grant competition is co-sponsored by CHASM, InCHIP, and Calm. More information about the conference and seed grant opportunities can be here:

    For more information, contact: Center for mHealth and Social Media at