Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Retirement of Nancy Steenburg

    Please join me in congratulating Nancy Steenburg on her retirement, effective May 1.

    Nancy began at Avery Point in 1996 teaching history.  In 2002, just after earning her Ph.D. in history from UConn, she was hired as Assistant Professor in Residence and interim Maritime Studies Coordinator, shepherding the new degree program through the C & C, the University Senate, the Board of Trustees, and the State Board of Higher Education to get it approved as a new four-year major at Avery Point.

    In 2003, she continued as an Assistant Professor in Residence and was hired as the first American Studies Coordinator for Avery Point and built the program for three years, until 2006.

    She ran the BGS program from 2006 until 2013, reaching an all-time high of 189 students in 2011, with Maryann Pepin, Cindy Bernardo, and Liz Kading.  Many of her BGS advisees have gone on to successful careers as doctors, dentists, teachers, lawyers, and social workers.

    With the dissolution of the College of Continuing Studies, the BGS staff was absorbed into other functioning units on the campus, and Nancy became a valued member of the Advising Center, where she has continued to advise and administer the BGS program along with students in all majors at the University.  She is our specialist on transfer credits and on senior graduation requirements in addition to her general advising expertise. 

    In 2018, Nancy won the University-wide Professional Advisor Award, the first time this was won by a regional campus advisor.

    Nancy has remained active as a teacher and scholar of history.  She pursues her love of history though her ongoing research, her publication of a book, book chapters, and many articles, and her presidency of the Association for the Study of Connecticut History, the New London County Historical Society, and the Connecticut Council for History.

    Nancy intends to keep teaching History at Avery Point, so although we will miss her as an advisor, we look forward to have her continue on campus as an adjunct instructor.

    For more information, contact: Trudy Flanery at