Additional UConn Information

  • Donations for UConn Health and Community

    Donations for UConn Health and Community

    With the great need in our community, we are encouraged that so many of our faculty and staff are thinking of ways to contribute, and the amount of emails received on how to donate have been tremendous. In addition to the donations supplied to UConn Health last week, the Surplus Department is setting up additional drop-off days/times for the UConn community to drop off items not being used to help with this on-going effort.

    Items in need are:
    • Disposable gloves
    • Surgical masks/N95 masks
    • Disposable lab gowns
    • Lab goggles/Face shields
    • Disposable Tyvek suits
    • New bottles of hand sanitizer
    • Alcohol wipes (60% or greater)
    • Antibacterial wipes
    • Lysol/Clorox wipes

    Drop-off days will be:
    Tuesday April 7th from 1PM to 3PM
    Thursday April 9th from 9AM to 11AM

    Drop-off Location:
    UConn Surplus Store
    (Front loading dock)
    6 Ahern Drive (Depot Campus)
    Storrs, CT

    (Directional signs will be set-up on the outskirts of Depot Campus to Surplus Store)

    If you cannot make the times set for drop-off or have any questions please contact Amy Allen, Associate Director Supply Chain at

    Thank you for your continued assistance and support, all donations are greatly appreciated!

    For more information, contact: Amy Allen at