Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Seed Grants for Obesity & eHealth/mHealth Research


    The Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention (CHIP) has several annual competitions for seed grants. The purpose of these competitions is to provide pilot and seed grant resources to investigators to stimulate new research in health behavior change at UConn of the type and quality likely to lead to additional external funding.

    Letters of intent are due no later than December 6, 2013, for the Obesity and eHealth/mHealth seed grant opportunities:

    • $15,000 CHIP Seed Grants for eHealth/mHealth Research
      These grants provide funds to support new research initiatives and pilot work that will lead to future external grant applications submitted through CHIP in the areas of eHealth / mHealth (electronic health / mobile health), with a focus on health behavior and health behavior change. eHealth/mHealth refers to the use of mobile technologies, social media, web-based interventions, sensors, and other new technologies to assess and modify health behavior.
    • $15,000 CHIP Seed Grants for Obesity Research
      These grants provide funds to support new research initiatives and pilot work that will lead to future external grant applications submitted through CHIP in the areas of obesity prevention and control, with a focus on health behavior and health behavior change. CHIP is committed to supporting research in obesity, nutrition, and physical activity that translates effective behavior change programs to at-risk individuals.

    The Obesity and eHealth/mHealth seed grants are co-sponsored by the Vice President for Research and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

    Please contact Jennifer Wang at CHIP if you have any questions about these opportunities:


    For the full list of seed grant opportunities available through CHIP, including Seed Grants for CHIP Graduate Student Affiliates and Pre-Submission Grant Reviews, please visit the CHIP Seed Grants and Awards webpage at:

    For more information, contact: Jennifer Wang at