Student Activities

  • Student Life Awards Nominations Extended to Today

    You are invited to recognize and nominate outstanding student leaders on campus for one (or more) of the University’s 2020 Student Life Awards.


    The Student Life Awards are designed to recognize students and organizations for outstanding contributions to and leadership of the University community. Students may be nominated for a variety of awards recognizing scholarship, community service, outstanding programming, leadership, advocacy, school pride, and more. Awards include the Donald L. McCullough Leadership Award, Learning Community Leadership Award, Individual Husky Pride Award, Andrew Dennis LaVigne Scholarship for Advancing Diversity, Building Community Award and more. Many of the honors also include a cash award.


    There are also awards recognizing outstanding advisement and support of students and student organizations by faculty and staff members.


    To find out more about the 2020 Student Life Awards and to submit a nomination, visit


    Nominations will be accepted until 12:00PM today, February 24th.


    For more information, contact: Leadership Office at