Training and Professional Development

  • 3/6 Reflective Teaching Using E Portfolios


    Reflective teaching using e portfolios
    March 6                       1:25-3:00
    Homer Babbidge Library (HBL) 2153
    Presenter: Lauren Schlesselman, CETL 

    A learning portfolio is an intentionally designed instructional approach that encourages periodic reflection on and deepening of learning by connecting and making sense of experiences inside and outside of the classroom. This session will discuss learning portfolios in general and briefly demonstrate the Portfolium software as a means to deepen learning and increase connections between academic, co-curricular, and extra-curricular experiences. This session will also discuss the role of reflection in taking a learning portfolio from a collection of artifacts to a deeper level of learning and personal growth. During this session, participants will consider how different reflective theories could be incorporated into their own courses. 


    1. Describe the purpose and impact of a learning portfolio
    2. Discuss the role of reflection in connecting, extending, and challenging learning
    3. Compare reflective theories in various learning environments
    4. Utilize reflection to evaluate a learning experience 

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at