Training and Professional Development

  • Designing Your Hybrid/Blended Course Certificate


    Designing Your Hybrid/Blended Course

    Spring 2020 Term, Section 53

    Course Details

    This is a one-week, online short course for faculty who will be planning a hybrid/blended course to be taught in a subsequent semester. Instructional design principles and Quality Matters standards will be applied to the hybrid/blended course design process. Participants will be asked to engage with course content, submit assignments, and interact with peers and the instructor(s) throughout the course.


    Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

    (1) Recognize what hybrid/blended course delivery means at the University of Connecticut and in the literature.

    (2) Analyze the context and situations for creating your hybrid/blended course to inform your design.

    (3) Create a course design plan containing course level objectives and aligning assessments, as well as one module’s objectives, instructional materials, learning activities, and tools, that meets Quality Matters’ standards 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1 and 6.1

    (4) Identify needed resources and next steps for completing the development of your hybrid/blended course.


    Section Details

    This one-week online certificate, Designing Your Hybrid/Blended Course, will be offered March 26 - April 1, 2020. You can register now and will be emailed more details regarding participation in the week before the course's start date. If you have any questions, contact

    Register at -


    Zachary Goldberg, Betsy Guala

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at