Sales and Fundraisers

  • CSEC @ UConn: Special Testimonial Spotlight

    More than ever the Connecticut State Employees Campaign for Charitable Giving (CSEC) needs YOU!

    For 27 years, state employees and retirees have been a great supporter of the CSEC. Thank you all for your continuous support! YOUR support is vital in ensuring shelter for the homeless, protecting of the environment, researching for cures of diseases, caring for children and seniors and much more. The CSEC is in its most critical stage as we are half way to our statewide goal of $1 Million. Please support the CSEC in its mission to give back to people, like Gabby.  

    Special Testimonial:

    My daughter Gabrielle is a happy, active ten-year-old. To look at her beautiful smiling face, you would never know that she made her entrance into the world at 30 weeks gestation. I am very thankful to the wonderful care that she was given during a 78 day hospitalization. I am equally grateful to the Ronald McDonald House, which was located close to the hospital, for giving me a place to stay until my daughter was well enough to be discharged.

    One of our 700 participating charities in the CT State Employees Campaign, the Ronald McDonald House took care of all of my needs, allowing me to focus solely on my daughter. The happiest day of my life was when Gabby was allowed to finally go home.

    I will never forget the kindness extended to me by the staff at the Ronald McDonald House. The journey that Gabby and I took nine years ago would have been more difficult if it weren’t for the Ronald McDonald House.

    – Kim Benoit, Department of Correction

    If you have not already done so, please consider taking 10 minutes to make a difference before March 1.

    A list of all the organizations that participate in the campaign can be found here:

    Click here to make a one-time gift using your CREDIT CARD.

    Click here to donate through PAYROLL DEDUCTION.

    If you would like to contribute using a pledge card, follow these simple steps: Click the link, print the pledge card, fill it out (be sure to sign it), and email directly to me. Here the link:

    By coming together, YOU and your colleagues make a meaningful difference for people, like Gabby.  

    With gratitude,

    Brandon Murray and Susan Twiss

    CSEC Co-Coordinators

    For more information, contact: CSEC at