Training and Professional Development

  • 2/28 Designing Multimodal Assignments

    Designing Multimodal Assignments
    February 28                 1:25-3:20
    Homer Babbidge Library (HBL) 2153
    Presenter: Reme Bohlin & Martina Rosenberg, CETL 

    In this workshop, participants will consider the affordances of multimodal composition as an assessment of student learning, specifically the multimodal genre of the infographic. Facilitators will demonstrate how you might scaffold for an infographic assignment, as well as give participants an opportunity to draft their own infographic. 

    Learning Objectives

    •  Consider the affordances of multimodal composition as an assessment of student learning 
    • Evaluate multimodal projects, specifically infographics
    •  Create an infographic with Canva or Piktochart 
    • Design a multimodal assignment

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at