Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Law Dean Candidate - Public Presentation

    On behalf of the Search Committee, I am delighted to announce that four outstanding candidates for the position of Dean will be visiting the Law School campus over the next few weeks. We invite you to attend the public forums where they will present briefly on their vision for the School of Law and their qualifications to lead the School.  

    The sessions are structured to provide plenty of time for interactive dialogue and public participation is essential to a successful experience for both the candidates and the University community.  We will solicit your subsequent feedback to help inform the Provost’s eventual decision on who is the most qualified candidate to lead the School of Law.

    Candidate CVs, letters of interest, feedback surveys, and recordings of each public forum will be available here.  Please note, in order to preserve the candidates’ confidentiality, names and materials will be released 48-hours in advance of each campus visit. Users will need to log in with a NetID and password to access candidate materials.

    • Candidate 1: Recording and Feedback Survey for January 30 – follow abovementioned link
    • Candidate 2: Recording and Feedback Survey for February 4 – follow abovementioned link
    • Candidate 3: Recording and Feedback Survey for February 6 – follow abovementioned link
    • Candidate 4: TODAY, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in Starr Hall, Reading Room

    Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important process. We welcome your feedback and involvement.


    Jeffrey Shoulson

    Vice Provost for Academic Operations

    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at