Sales and Fundraisers

  • 2/15 Yard Work Opportunity with Habitat UConn Chapter



    My name is Ken and I’m the Volunteer Coordinator at UConn Habitat. Habitat for Humanity UConn Chapter is looking for opportunities to volunteer and fundraise this semester. Hire-A-Habitator is one of the means for UConn Habitat members to volunteer and fundraise at the same time! Hire-A-Habitator is available to help with basic yard work such as leaf raking, weeding, gardening, wood splitting, and other odd jobs. If you’re interested in scheduling a day for us to come out and volunteer, please contact me through my email address located below. In your message please include your contact information, the date and time you prefer, what type of work you would like us to help out with, your address, and how many volunteers you would need. A typical work days and hours are Saturday and/or Sunday, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. To show your appreciation for the work of the Habitat members, we ask you to make a donation to our chapter, so that we can also raise money for our Eastern Connecticut Habitat for Humanity Affiliate! The suggested donation amount is $9 per person an hour, commonly with teams of 3 to 4 Habitators. Checks should be made to Habitat for Humanity-UConn Chapter.


    Thank you for your continued support and we’re looking forward to working with you.


    All the best, 




    For more information, contact: Ken Huang at