Special Events and Receptions

  • 2/29 Showcase Your Event To Visitors on CT History Day

    On Saturday, February 29, UConn will host the regional competition for Connecticut History Day. This is a lively competition for middle school and high school students who produce exhibits, performances, websites or documentary films on historical themes. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase the University and the wide range of activity to prospective students and their parents.

    The program is co-sponsored by the History Department and UConn Early College Experience (ECE) and we are looking to promote other activities for students to experience when they are not competing. If your department, center, or student group has an event or would like to do an event that day and be included in the program, please email History@uconn.edu with a description of the event, precise location, and contact information.  The best times would be from mid-morning into early afternoon.

    For more information, contact: History Dept at history@uconn.edu