Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Speech Perception in Children - Subjects Requested


    Volunteers are wanted for a research study at the University of Connecticut.  The purpose of this study is to examine language processing in individuals with and without language impairment. Monolingual English children who are 6-8 years of age are invited to participate. The research takes place in 1-2 sessions that are approximately 1-2 hours long at the UConn Laboratory for Spoken Language Processing on the Storrs campus.  Children will complete puzzles, word games, and language assessments. We will also ask parents to fill out a questionnaire. Some children will be asked to have an MRI of their brain while playing word games in the scanner. Families will receive monetary compensation for participation and children who participate in the MRI study will receive a picture of his or her brain. To learn more about this research, contact Rachel M. Theodore, Ph.D. (Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences) at or 860-486-3477.

    This study has been approved by the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board; Protocol H17-051.

    Principal Investigator:  Rachel M. Theodore, Ph.D.


    For more information, contact: Rachel M. Theodore at