Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 11/21 Class, Shakespeare, and For-Profit Theatre Lecture

    Please consider attending this semester's talk hosted by the Early Modern Studies Cross-Cultural Interactions Working Group and sponsored by the Humanities Institute. Dr. Amy Rodgers of Mount Holyoke College will be giving a lecture titled "Partial View: Social Class, Shakespeare, and the For-Profit Theatre" at 4:00 pm this Thursday, November 21st, in the UCHI conference room (Homer Babbidge Library, floor 4). 
    Amy Rodgers' research focuses on early modern literature and culture, audience and popular culture studies, theories of adaptation, and dance studies. Her publications include essays on the Renaissance court masque, Hindi-language cinema director Vishal Bhardwaj, Shakespeare's history plays' influence on HBO's Game of Thrones, and performance genealogies that cross different communicative forms, particularly theater and dance. Her first monograph, A Monster With a Thousand Hands: The Discursive Spectator in Early Modern England was published with the University of Pennsylvania Press in July of 2018. She is a co-founder of the Shakespeare and Dance Project. She is also Dean for the Senior Class at Mount Holyoke College.
    We are very excited about Dr. Rodgers' visit and hope that many of you will attend this wonderful talk. Please spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested.
    For more information, contact: Aaron Proudfoot at