Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/29 MCB Seminar Series: Dr. Christine Beck

    MCB Seminar Series welcomes Dr. Christine Beck, Assistant Professor, Jackson Laboratory, Farmington, CT Hosted by Elizabeth Kline

    Tuesday, 10/29, BPB 130, 3:15 Refreshments, 3:30 Seminar

    "Mechanisms and impact of structural variation”

    I will discuss recent work began during my postdoctoral fellowship on long read sequencing and mechanisms of structural variation, and will follow this with an overview of the projects in my laboratory aimed at understanding causes of structural variants and their effects on mammalian genomes.

    Dr. Beck’s Bio: I have worked on transposable elements and repetitive DNA sequences and how they influence structural variation from my graduate work through my postdoctoral fellowship. I continue this progression with my current laboratory, pursuing the influences of structural variation on human genomes, and how transposable elements can lead to genomic instability.

    View abstract:

    Learn more about Dr. Beck's Lab:

    For more information, contact: Ciara Hanlon at