Technology and Computing

  • New Electronic Portfolio Network

    UConn has licensed a new electronic portfolio network, Portfolium, for all UConn faculty, staff, and students. Portfolium combines advanced digital portfolio capabilities with social networking features. This enables students to collect and organize unlimited multimedia examples of their work and then share them with faculty, classmates and employers.  It integrates with HuskyCT, the University’s learning management system, to facilitate contributions and exchange. Our contract with Portfolium also includes assessment managementBadging and Pathways, and TalentMatch, all tools that can be leveraged to enhance student success.


    The official launch of accounts to all students, faculty, and staff will take place prior to the spring 2020 semester. The Honors Program spearheaded the pursuit of this platform and has already made it available to all honors students. With its powerful career and coursework connections, the Career Development Center will encourage all students to take advantage of Portfolium starting January 2020.  Some academic areas have also instituted adoption of Portfolium in their programs. 

    If you would like a UConn account before January, send a request to Portfolium account request. You will receive an email with a link to activate your account. By setting up your account via this link, you will have a verified profile on Portfolium that is tied to your university accounts and has access to the additional tools.


    CETL’s Educational Technology department regularly offers programs on the use of an ePortfolio in the classroom and badging and provides resources on the use of electronic portfolios.


    Portfolium Functional Group:


    Enrichment Programs

    Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning

    UConn Health

    Center for Career Development

    Information Technology Services


    For more information, contact: Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at