Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling Participants with Dyslexia

    At the brainLENS lab located in UConn Storrs we are seeking participants with dyslexia to enroll in our current study. 

    What is involved?

    • Several visits to the Brain Imaging Research Center (BIRC) to particpate in safe, non-invasive brain imaging sessions (MRI and TMS).
    • Each visit lasts 3-4 hours for 5 total visits. 
    • Recieve cognitive, lanuage and reading assessments, and answer questionnaires.
    • Monetary compensation is provided. 

    Benefits to You

    • Upon completion of participation, you will recieve a report of your cognitive, reading, and language assessments. 
    • You will recieve a free picture of your brain. 
    • By participating you will contribute to a better understanding of reading and dyslexia. 
    • Free professional development or student seminar of your choice about learning disabilites, dyslexia, promoting resilience and compensatory skills. 
    • Potential internship opportunites available.

    Those eligible to participate:

    • Ages 18-30
    • Right-handed
    • Native English speaker
    • No history of major psychiatric or neurological illnesses


    For more information, contact: Chloe Jones at