Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/29 CMP Seminar: Dr. Leonid Glazman

    Condensed Matter Physics Seminar


    Leonid Glazman

    Department of Physics

    Yale University


    “Topology of the Fermi surface wave functions and magnetic oscillations in metals”

    Abstract: In the traditional Fermiology, the size and shape of the Fermi surface in a metal is often deduced from the period of magnetic oscillations of transport or thermodynamic characteristics, e.g., from the de Haas – van Alphen effect. We find that the intercept y of the infinite-field asymptote of the oscillations yields information about the topology of the Fermi surface wave functions. The topological invariance of y originates from the symmetry of extremal orbits, which depends not only on the space group but also on the field orientation with respect to the crystal axes. The wave functions fall into 10 distinct classes stemming from the crystalline symmetry; transitions between the classes occur via magnetic breakdown.


    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    2:00 PM

    Gant South Building, Room GS-119

    For more information, contact: Anna Huang at