Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Gen Ed Courses: Intersession & Catalog Deadlines

    As you think about your curricular needs for the upcoming semesters, please be aware of upcoming deadlines, especially if you need approval for a course with General Education designations.

    Intensive/Intersession Session (4 weeks or less) - Special approval is needed to offer a Gen Ed course in sessions of 4 weeks or less. The special form for this request can be found on the GEOC website: Courses seeking approval for Winter 2020 cannot be guaranteed at this time. If you plan to offer a course for the May 2020 intensive session, please submit your request no later than January 2020.

    2020-21 Catalog Deadline - The Registrar's catalog deadline is February 5, 2020, so any course that wants to meet that deadline must be fully approved as of the February 3 University Senate meeting. Gen Ed courses seeking approval must go through several stages of committee review, so please plan accordingly. Due to unpredicatable committee workloads, we cannot guarantee approval of any courses in time for the catalog deadline, but for the best chance of success, GEOC must receive review requests by early November 2019 (i.e. courses will need to be approved at department and college levels in the course workflow system by then).

    Thank you for your cooperation in helping us ensure that we can process courses in time to meet scheduling and catalog deadlines. If you have any questions please contact Karen McDermott, GEOC Support ( or Manuela Wagner, GEOC Chair ( 

    For more information, contact: GEOC at