Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/23 Dr. Jaumandreu on Cost Minimization and Markups

    Dr. Jordi Jaumandreu, Boston University 

    Seminar Title: “Using Cost Minimization to Estimate Markups”

    Abstract: De Loecker & Warzynski’s (2012) method for recovering markups from cost-minimization conditions and estimated input elasticities yields either larger or smaller markups for exporters than for non-exporters depending on the input (labor or materials) employed. We point out two difficulties. First, under imperfect competition, an Olley & Pakes (1996) style estimator for input elasticities has to account for markups. Second, with commonly used specifications of the production function, the cost-minimization conditions do not match the variation in the data. We discuss how to address these difficulties. According to our estimates, the markups of exporters and non-exporters are essentially the same.

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019


    Location: White 209

    View the full Fall 2019 ARE Seminar Schedule

    For more information, contact: Tatiana Andreyeva at