Training and Professional Development

  • 10/23 Feedback and Assessment

    Feedback and Assessment
    Wednesday, October 23         2:30-3:45
    Rowe 319
    Presenter: Wayne Trembly

    Participants will walk away with specific strategies for giving specific, useful feedback. How to fairly assess student work…

    At this session, participants will discuss topics such as:

    • Formative and summative assessment
    • Criterion referenced (individual performance) vs. Proportionate grading (curve)
    • Simple everyday formative assessment strategies
    • Fairness in assessment
    • Alternatives to exams, tests, and quizzes
    • Classroom participation, homework, extra credit, the “fudge factor”
    • Exit slips to help you to evaluate your effectiveness
    • The final grade

    Register at -

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at