Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/11 Physics Colloquium: Dr. Jianwei Qiu

    UConn Physics Colloquium

    “Nuclear Femtography - A new frontier of science and technology”


    Dr. Jianwei Qiu

    Theory Center Director

    Jefferson Lab

    Abstract: The proton and neutron, known as nucleons, are the fundamental building blocks of all atomic nuclei and make up essentially all the visible matter in the universe, including the stars, the planets, and us. Nucleons are not static but have complex internal structure, emerged as strongly interacting and relativistic bound states of quarks and gluons of Quantum Chromodynamics. Both theory and experimental technology have now reached a point where human is capable of exploring the inner structure of nucleons and nuclei at a sub-femtometer without breaking them, which is expected to lead to a new emerging science of nuclear femtography.  In this talk, I will demonstrate that as exciting as the nano-science and technology has been for recent years, there must be a quantum transition when we enter the era of femto-science and technology.  The newly upgraded CEBAF facility at Jefferson Lab and proposed Electron-Ion Collider to be built in the US will be a pair of complementary and much needed facilities for exploring the nuclear femtography.  They are the most powerful tomographic scanners and/or microscopes able to precisely image inner structure of nucleon and nuclei with a sub-femtometer resolution to help address the most compelling unanswered questions about the elementary building blocks of the visible world, and are capable of taking us to the next frontier of the Standard Model of physics.


    Friday, October 11, 2019

    3:30 P.M.

    Biology Physics Building

    Room BPB-131


    Cookies will be served prior to the talk, at 3:00PM outside Room BPB-131



    For more information, contact: Anna Huang at