Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 10/12 Mental Health Workshop

    The Mental Health Ministry Team of the Storrs Congregational Church UCC is holding a public workshop around mental health topics and resources in our community.  

    This workshop will feature:

    —      The Rev. Amy Petré Hill (Minister of Mental Health & Inclusion, Mountain View United Church, Aurora, CO, and Executive Board Member, UCC Mental Health Network):  The Church and Mental Health Ministries.

    —      Bill and Terri Pearsall (Officers, NAMI Windham): Community Mental Health Resources.

    —      Kathy Lindner (Retired nurse, EMT, medical librarian, Kripalu yoga teacher, and Storrs Congregational Church UCC member):  Stress Management & Relaxation Techniques.

    All are welcome; no affiliation with the church (or any church) is needed! The workshop is free, and will include light breakfast snacks!


    The Storrs Congregational Church UCC is a member of AARC, the Area Association of Religious Communities, the university's recognized roundtable of religious- and spiritual-life communities serving the UConn community.

    For more information, contact: Storrs Congregational Church UCC at